Vacation Reference

Vacation Reference

Kua Beach Shark Attack

Kua Beach Shark Attack.

Shark attacks 2022: How many shark attacks took place in the United
Shark attacks 2022: How many shark attacks took place in the United from

A 61-year-old surfer in Hawaii managed to begin swimming toward shore after a shark bit off a portion of his leg near a beach on Maui, witnesses and authorities say.

Shark attacks 2022: How many shark attacks took place in the United

Kua Beach Shark Attack. Kua Beach Shark Attack, , , , , , , 0, Shark attacks 2022: How many shark attacks took place in the United,, 0 x 0, jpg, November 1, 2024 / 11:54 PM EDT / CBS/AP. A shark bit a Maui surfer Friday morning and severed his leg, authorities said. The man, 61, was surfing off Waiehu Beach., 12, kua-beach-shark-attack, Vacation Reference

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